Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)
See the codebook for details……. PS_BOOKLET_ITEM.csv
PS1_1 | Party Invitations - 1 | U01a000S | POLYTOMOUS (0 to 3), No response (R ), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS1_2 | Party Invitations - 2 | U01b000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS1_3 | CD Tally | U03a000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS1_4 | Sprained Ankle - 1 | U06a000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS1_5 | Sprained Ankle - 2 | U06b000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS1_6 | Tickets | U21x000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS1_7 | Class Attendance | U04a000S | POLYTOMOUS (0 to 2), No response (R ), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS2_1 | Club Membership - 1 | U19a000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS2_2 | Club Membership - 2 | U19b000S | POLYTOMOUS (0 to 3), No response (R ), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS2_3 | Book Order | U07x000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS2_4 | Meeting Room | U02x000S | POLYTOMOUS (0 to 3), No response (R ), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS2_5 | Reply All | U16x000S | MISSING (0), CORRECT (1), INCORRECT (7), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS2_6 | Locate Email | U11b000S | POLYTOMOUS (0 to 3), No response (R ), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
PS2_7 | Lamp Return | U23x000S | POLYTOMOUS (0 to 3), No response (R ), Not reached / not attempted (N) |
Random forest regression is used with τ or θ as a response and background variables in some categoires as covariates. P-value for the importance is reported. The selected categories are c(“Sampling / weighting”, “Not assigned” ,“Sampling / weighting (derived)", “Background questionnaire (trend)” ,“Background questionnaire”, “Background questionnaire (derived)”
: time until the first action takentime
: total time of a person’s processnaction
or #action
: the number of actions of a person’s processLatent profile analysis is done by tidyLAP
. This R package uses multivariate Gaussian mixture models and reports many model selection criteria. See
The clustering is perfomed based on person characteristics. We compare models based on our estimated parameters, observed covariates and both.
party_invitations-1, tickets, book_order: these items give more clusters using hidden traits + observed traits than using observed traits alone.
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5436.555 5508.328 5460.942 5428.555 5444.555
6 2 5157.195 5318.291 5210.845 5136.400 5171.195
6 3 5007.841 5257.449 5090.755 4975.061 5027.841
6 4 4978.291 5316.508 5090.469 4933.430 5004.291
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
Model Classes AIC AWE BIC CLC KIC Warnings
6 1 10910.498 11115.062 10978.780 10884.498 10927.498
6 2 -1594.572 -1168.675 -1453.130 -1650.586 -1562.572
6 3 -2567.803 -1920.286 -2353.202 -2654.119 -2520.803
6 4 -3213.190 -2344.358 -2925.430 -3329.501 -3151.190 Warning
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 2 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
Model Classes AIC AWE BIC CLC KIC Warnings
6 1 5511.691 5583.464 5536.077 5503.691 5519.691
6 2 -6107.032 -5946.724 -6053.382 -6127.040 -6093.032
6 3 Warning
6 4 Warning
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 1 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AETPOP | Adult education/training population (AET) - excludes youths 16-24 in initial cycle of studies (derived) | 0.4760353 | 0.0099010 |
FNFAET12JR | Participated in formal or non-formal AET for job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 0.5620771 | 0.0099010 |
FNFAET12NJR | Participated in formal or non-formal AET for non job-related reasons in 12 mon. preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 0.6782908 | 0.0099010 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 1.4775310 | 0.0297030 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 1.6950860 | 0.0396040 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.6373768 | 0.0693069 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 0.9159008 | 0.1089109 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 1.2849569 | 0.1287129 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 1.0713545 | 0.1485149 |
LEARNATWORK | Index of learning at work (derived) | 0.8104232 | 0.1782178 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 1.0913545 | 0.2277228 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.5536242 | 0.2475248 |
WRITHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.3360830 | 0.2574257 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 0.5458969 | 0.2673267 |
EARNHRBONUSDCL | Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.5569200 | 0.3861386 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.5770771 | 0.3960396 |
ISCO1C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.4600582 | 0.4653465 |
PLANNING | Index of use of planning skills at work (derived) | 0.2950204 | 0.5346535 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.5895942 | 0.5445545 |
ISIC2C | Industry classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived) | 0.5206061 | 0.6930693 |
D_Q10_T | Hours per week at this job or business - number of hours (top coded at 97, Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.4386678 | 0.7128713 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 0.5504840 | 0.7227723 |
NUMWORK | Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.2945469 | 0.7920792 |
PLANNING_WLE_CA | Index of use of planning skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.1557439 | 0.8811881 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
J_Q08 | Background - Number of books at home | 0.0438188 | 0.0099010 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.1470972 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.1615933 | 0.0099010 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0602383 | 0.0693069 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 0.0473309 | 0.0792079 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0193539 | 0.2574257 |
WRITHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0193950 | 0.2871287 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 0.0231479 | 0.4554455 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.0511671 | 0.5346535 |
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5405.320 5477.062 5429.691 5397.320 5413.320
6 2 4813.399 4974.190 4867.016 4792.841 4827.399
6 3 4634.604 4883.826 4717.465 4602.105 4654.604
6 4 4497.875 4835.859 4609.981 4453.104 4523.875
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 10528.035 10732.512 10596.273 10502.035 10545.035
6 2 8617.342 9043.348 8758.694 8561.040 8649.342
6 3 7533.600 8180.873 7748.064 7447.256 7580.600
6 4 7252.546 8121.072 7540.124 7136.176 7314.546
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5471.194 5542.936 5495.565 5463.194 5479.194
6 2 4818.378 4979.088 4871.994 4797.899 4832.378
6 3 4443.725 4692.913 4526.586 4411.259 4463.725
6 4 4397.854 4735.792 4509.961 4353.130 4423.854
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 7.5208090 | 0.0099010 |
FNFAET12JR | Participated in formal or non-formal AET for job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 3.0103397 | 0.0297030 |
EDWORK | Interaction between adults’ work and education status (derived) | 4.0462860 | 0.0396040 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 3.0624310 | 0.0495050 |
INFLUENCE_WLE_CA | Index of use of influencing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 2.3613901 | 0.0693069 |
C_Q07 | Current status/work history - Subjective status | 1.9239820 | 0.1485149 |
D_Q04_T | Status at this job or business - six levels (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 2.8720376 | 0.1485149 |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | 2.6359362 | 0.1485149 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 4.2617952 | 0.1485149 |
C_Q07_T | Current work situation (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 1.9143029 | 0.1584158 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 3.5475500 | 0.1584158 |
NFEHRSNJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for non-job-related reasons (derived) | 2.0954807 | 0.1881188 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 3.0903374 | 0.2574257 |
ISIC2C | Industry classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived) | 3.1067881 | 0.2673267 |
WRITHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 1.3527919 | 0.3168317 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 1.4332122 | 0.4851485 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 2.7864662 | 0.5544554 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.9518398 | 0.5742574 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 1.6072193 | 0.5742574 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 1.8104794 | 0.6831683 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 2.1720472 | 0.8019802 |
EARNHRBONUSDCL | Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 1.2542224 | 0.8316832 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 1.1310512 | 0.8811881 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.7747457 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.3920334 | 0.0099010 |
G_Q07 | Skill use work - ICT - Computer - Got the skills needed | 0.1055491 | 0.0495050 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.3130297 | 0.0891089 |
ICTWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0453193 | 0.4455446 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.1399846 | 0.7227723 |
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5441.902 5513.634 5466.268 5433.902 5449.902
6 2 5367.159 5528.666 5420.764 5345.861 5381.159
6 3 5358.972 5608.736 5441.816 5325.896 5378.972
6 4 5354.049 5692.223 5466.131 5309.040 5380.049
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 1 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 2 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 10616.761 10821.210 10684.985 10590.761 10633.761
6 2 8739.081 9165.029 8880.403 8682.777 8771.081
6 3 7151.543 7798.508 7365.962 7065.416 7198.543
6 4 6860.021 7728.367 7147.538 6743.709 6922.021
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5450.414 5522.146 5474.780 5442.414 5458.414
6 2 4077.384 4238.032 4130.989 4056.945 4091.384
6 3 3721.695 3970.906 3804.539 3689.172 3741.695
6 4 2862.139 3199.806 2974.222 2817.638 2888.139
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 13.225172 | 0.0198020 |
LEAVER1624 | Youth aged 16 to 24 who have left education without completing ISCED 3 or higher (derived) | 3.181545 | 0.0198020 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 6.290272 | 0.0198020 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 4.230648 | 0.0891089 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 4.635795 | 0.2079208 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 4.174670 | 0.5445545 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
FAET12JR | Participated in formal AET for job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 0.0226119 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.0675867 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0258062 | 0.0099010 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.0417345 | 0.0297030 |
J_Q08 | Background - Number of books at home | 0.0161170 | 0.0297030 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 0.0342809 | 0.0594059 |
YRSGET | Imputed years of formal education needed to get the job (self-reported - derived) | 0.0302366 | 0.0693069 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.0327879 | 0.0990099 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0384570 | 0.1188119 |
ISIC2C | Industry classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived) | 0.0289311 | 0.2178218 |
EDCAT8 | Highest level of formal education obtained (8 categories - derived) | 0.0141250 | 0.2277228 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0232100 | 0.2970297 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.0159185 | 0.4455446 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 0.0150712 | 0.4554455 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 0.0127158 | 0.7623762 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.0057798 | 0.7920792 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0015423 | 0.9900990 |
:#+begin_src sh :async out_dir="sprained_ankle-1/” cd $out_dir cd figure convert -density 300 tau_action.pdf tau_action.png convert -density 300 theta_tau_res.pdf theta_tau_res.png convert -density 300 time_action_more.pdf time_action_more-%d.png convert -density 300 time_action.pdf time_action-%d.png #+end_src
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5282.108 5353.809 5306.459 5274.108 5290.108
6 2 5028.547 5189.740 5082.118 5007.496 5042.547
6 3 4967.105 5216.558 5049.896 4934.234 4987.105
6 4 4949.354 5287.326 5061.365 4904.404 4975.354
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
Model Classes AIC AWE BIC CLC KIC Warnings
6 1 10725.58 10929.943 10793.763 10699.582 10742.58
6 2 -2650.57 -2225.082 -2509.338 -2706.594 -2618.57
6 3 Warning
6 4 Warning
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 2 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
Model Classes AIC AWE BIC CLC KIC Warnings
6 1 5471.117 5542.817 5495.467 5463.117 5479.117
6 2 -6367.190 -6207.009 -6313.620 -6387.231 -6353.190
6 3 Warning
6 4 Warning
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 1 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 2.2158222 | 0.0099010 |
LEAVER1624 | Youth aged 16 to 24 who have left education without completing ISCED 3 or higher (derived) | 1.0392552 | 0.0099010 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 1.5162550 | 0.0099010 |
C_Q07 | Current status/work history - Subjective status | 1.3855259 | 0.0198020 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 1.2549421 | 0.0594059 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.7734625 | 0.0891089 |
LEARNATWORK_WLE_CA | Index of learning at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.5628345 | 0.1584158 |
EARNHRBONUSDCL | Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.9855860 | 0.1881188 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.9860484 | 0.2079208 |
NUMHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced), categorised WLE (derived) | 0.4211173 | 0.2475248 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 0.7256336 | 0.3069307 |
WRITHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.4139999 | 0.3168317 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.7042356 | 0.3663366 |
LEARNATWORK | Index of learning at work (derived) | 0.7724518 | 0.4752475 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.8514091 | 0.4851485 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 0.6249595 | 0.5544554 |
EARNMTHALLDCL | Monthly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners and self-employed, in deciles (derived) | 0.6435811 | 0.7128713 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.6363074 | 0.7623762 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 0.4460782 | 0.8910891 |
D_Q10 | Current work - Hours/week | 0.5838641 | 0.9108911 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
J_Q08 | Background - Number of books at home | 0.0301127 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.0827937 | 0.0099010 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 0.1051451 | 0.0099010 |
WRITHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0921124 | 0.0099010 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.0544875 | 0.0198020 |
NUMHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced), categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0324993 | 0.0198020 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0576644 | 0.0198020 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0209526 | 0.1188119 |
LEARNATWORK | Index of learning at work (derived) | 0.0235951 | 0.3267327 |
ISIC2C | Industry classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived) | 0.0244875 | 0.3465347 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.0222532 | 0.3663366 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 0.0084937 | 0.7029703 |
ISCO1C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0113159 | 0.7227723 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.0118967 | 0.7821782 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0172004 | 0.7920792 |
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 4649.876 4721.566 4674.221 4641.876 4657.876
6 2 4228.453 4389.258 4282.013 4207.767 4242.453
6 3 4062.354 4311.590 4145.128 4029.665 4082.354
6 4 4033.771 4371.540 4145.758 3988.977 4059.771
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 9741.434 9945.767 9809.601 9715.434 9758.434
6 2 6976.934 7402.489 7118.135 6920.782 7008.934
6 3 5955.984 6602.815 6170.221 5869.626 6002.984
6 4 5589.996 6457.851 5877.267 5473.684 5651.996
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5391.087 5462.777 5415.432 5383.087 5399.087
6 2 3693.159 3853.480 3746.718 3672.956 3707.159
6 3 3370.270 3619.131 3453.043 3337.955 3390.270
6 4 3506.481 3844.076 3618.469 3461.861 3532.481
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 3 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 2.1231496 | 0.0198020 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 1.6894554 | 0.0396040 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 1.7446838 | 0.0495050 |
NFEHRSNJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for non-job-related reasons (derived) | 0.8342717 | 0.0495050 |
READWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts), categorised WLE (derived) | 1.4503579 | 0.0495050 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 1.6404999 | 0.0594059 |
WRITHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 1.0314101 | 0.0693069 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 1.3956484 | 0.0792079 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 1.0688005 | 0.0891089 |
ICTWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.6859478 | 0.1386139 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 1.7679788 | 0.1485149 |
EARNHRBONUSDCL | Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.9460383 | 0.1782178 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.9874929 | 0.1980198 |
ISIC2C | Industry classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived) | 1.1823535 | 0.2178218 |
INFLUENCE_WLE_CA | Index of use of influencing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.4292938 | 0.3069307 |
READYTOLEARN | Index of readiness to learn (derived) | 0.5313548 | 0.3960396 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 1.3939640 | 0.4752475 |
WRITWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.4690732 | 0.5247525 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.8617603 | 0.5544554 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 0.6082405 | 0.6237624 |
D_Q04_T | Status at this job or business - six levels (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.4182107 | 0.6336634 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 0.7363190 | 0.6336634 |
LEARNATWORK | Index of learning at work (derived) | 0.2285450 | 0.9207921 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.0873188 | 0.0099010 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.0684523 | 0.0297030 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.0587393 | 0.0495050 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0792555 | 0.0891089 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.0733666 | 0.0990099 |
READHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts), categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0295889 | 0.1089109 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0288521 | 0.1782178 |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | 0.0203631 | 0.1980198 |
READWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts), categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0321537 | 0.2079208 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 0.0437597 | 0.2178218 |
EDCAT7 | Highest level of formal education obtained (7 categories - derived) | 0.0245782 | 0.2277228 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 0.0532552 | 0.2673267 |
NUMHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced), categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0241701 | 0.2871287 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.0314467 | 0.3861386 |
WRITHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0234279 | 0.4059406 |
ICTWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0226457 | 0.4257426 |
ISCO1C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0282249 | 0.5049505 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0666289 | 0.5049505 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 0.0409673 | 0.5445545 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0372888 | 0.6732673 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 0.0283248 | 0.7722772 |
WRITWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of writing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0176027 | 0.7821782 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 0.0217740 | 0.8811881 |
ISIC2C | Industry classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived) | 0.0180295 | 0.8910891 |
LEARNATWORK | Index of learning at work (derived) | 0.0135484 | 0.9603960 |
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 3195.453 3261.804 3217.128 3187.453 3203.453
6 2 3161.946 3310.763 3209.632 3141.500 3175.946
6 3 3152.293 3383.561 3225.989 3119.418 3172.293
6 4 3159.872 3473.157 3259.578 3115.000 3185.872
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 1 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 2 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 6134.530 6323.912 6195.221 6108.530 6151.530
6 2 5670.979 6065.906 5796.695 5614.485 5702.979
6 3 5569.672 6169.886 5760.414 5482.942 5616.672
6 4 5543.584 6348.872 5799.352 5426.832 5605.584
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 3 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 3205.646 3271.997 3227.322 3197.646 3213.646
6 2 2940.339 3089.335 2988.024 2919.714 2954.339
6 3 2882.730 3113.981 2956.426 2849.871 2902.730
6 4 2880.659 3193.956 2980.365 2835.773 2906.659
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 3 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 14.373833 | 0.0099010 |
AETPOP | Adult education/training population (AET) - excludes youths 16-24 in initial cycle of studies (derived) | 4.640859 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 13.353906 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 5.592832 | 0.0198020 |
FAET12NJR | Participated in formal AET for non job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 3.717283 | 0.0297030 |
FNFAET12NJR | Participated in formal or non-formal AET for non job-related reasons in 12 mon. preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 2.997349 | 0.0297030 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 6.754744 | 0.0495050 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 6.200792 | 0.1089109 |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | 4.888798 | 0.3168317 |
NFEHRSJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for job-related reasons (derived) | 4.400971 | 0.3663366 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
G_Q07 | Skill use work - ICT - Computer - Got the skills needed | 0.0086191 | 0.0396040 |
EARNFLAG | Earnings including bonuses reporting method (derived) | 0.0075101 | 0.0396040 |
ICTWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0123213 | 0.0495050 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0198953 | 0.0594059 |
G_Q08 | Skill use work - ICT - Computer - Lack of skills affect career | 0.0042630 | 0.0693069 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.0099424 | 0.1089109 |
ISCO1C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0091321 | 0.1881188 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 0.0090213 | 0.2178218 |
EDCAT6 | Highest level of formal education obtained (6 categories - derived) | 0.0040663 | 0.3069307 |
E_Q09 | Last job - Hours/week | 0.0025210 | 0.3267327 |
READWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts), categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0058231 | 0.4257426 |
D_Q04_T1 | Status at this job or business - four levels (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.0038598 | 0.4554455 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0030265 | 0.5544554 |
YRSQUAL_T | Derived variable on total years of schooling during lifetime - top coded at 24 (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.0016241 | 0.5841584 |
PLANNING | Index of use of planning skills at work (derived) | 0.0052826 | 0.6237624 |
NUMWORK | Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.0066305 | 0.6534653 |
NUMWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced), categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0041318 | 0.6633663 |
D_Q04_T | Status at this job or business - six levels (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.0037368 | 0.6831683 |
ISIC2C | Industry classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived) | 0.0049443 | 0.7425743 |
D_Q10_C | Current work - Hours/week (top-coded at 60) | 0.0054921 | 0.7623762 |
EDCAT7 | Highest level of formal education obtained (7 categories - derived) | 0.0016754 | 0.7722772 |
INFLUENCE_WLE_CA | Index of use of influencing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0021573 | 0.8316832 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 0.0054889 | 0.8415842 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 0.0055861 | 0.8613861 |
TASKDISC_WLE_CA | Index of use of task discretion at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0017446 | 0.8613861 |
EARNMTHALLDCL | Monthly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners and self-employed, in deciles (derived) | 0.0023484 | 0.9405941 |
NFEHRSJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for job-related reasons (derived) | -0.0044239 | 0.9900990 |
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 3070.992 3137.343 3092.668 3062.992 3078.992
6 2 2763.965 2912.853 2811.650 2743.448 2777.965
6 3 2758.060 2989.195 2831.756 2725.317 2778.060
6 4 2759.583 3072.663 2859.290 2714.916 2785.583
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 2 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
Model Classes AIC AWE BIC CLC KIC Warnings
6 1 5832.225 6021.606 5892.915 5806.225 5849.225
6 2 4339.421 4734.053 4465.137 4283.221 4371.421
6 3 3919.151 4518.706 4109.894 3833.081 3966.151
6 4 Warning
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 3 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
Model Classes AIC AWE BIC CLC KIC Warnings
6 1 3181.591 3247.941 3203.266 3173.591 3189.591
6 2 2481.236 2629.784 2528.921 2461.058 2495.236
6 3 Warning
6 4 Warning
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 2 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
B_Q11 | Education - Formal qualification - Grant from employer | 2.039946 | 0.0099010 |
FAET12 | Participated in formal AET in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 1.316256 | 0.0099010 |
FAET12NJR | Participated in formal AET for non job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 1.818654 | 0.0198020 |
ISCO1C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 1.609067 | 0.0891089 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 1.975223 | 0.1386139 |
EARNHRBONUSDCL | Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 1.053179 | 0.2079208 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 2.005220 | 0.2970297 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 2.223969 | 0.3168317 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
J_Q08 | Background - Number of books at home | 0.0271501 | 0.0099010 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.0709937 | 0.0099010 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.0289934 | 0.0891089 |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0475137 | 0.1386139 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0389882 | 0.2376238 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.0327606 | 0.2475248 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0096426 | 0.3663366 |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | 0.0207122 | 0.4653465 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 0.0150106 | 0.5742574 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0304869 | 0.5841584 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 0.0229463 | 0.5940594 |
NFEHRSJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for job-related reasons (derived) | 0.0019651 | 0.9207921 |
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 3028.185 3094.536 3049.861 3020.185 3036.185
6 2 2337.140 2485.728 2384.826 2316.924 2351.140
6 3 2233.845 2464.647 2307.541 2201.434 2253.845
6 4 2205.603 2518.707 2305.309 2160.912 2231.603
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5905.357 6094.738 5966.048 5879.357 5922.357
6 2 3923.226 4317.819 4048.943 3867.067 3955.226
6 3 3606.538 4206.399 3797.280 3520.162 3653.538
6 4 3421.805 4226.696 3677.573 3305.450 3483.805
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
Model Classes AIC AWE BIC CLC KIC Warnings
6 1 3151.879 3218.229 3173.554 3143.879 3159.879
6 2 2168.985 2317.588 2216.671 2148.754 2182.985
6 3 Warning
6 4 2086.559 2399.489 2186.265 2042.042 2112.559
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 10.574260 | 0.0099010 |
NFE12 | Participated in non-formal education in 12 months preceding survey (derived) | 4.066070 | 0.0099010 |
NOPAIDWORKEVER | Adults who never had paid work including self-employment in past (derived) | 2.430960 | 0.0099010 |
NFE12JR | Participated in non-formal education for job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (derived) | 4.028282 | 0.0198020 |
NFE12NJR | Participated in non-formal education for non job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (derived) | 3.117735 | 0.0198020 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 7.580768 | 0.0594059 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 7.175381 | 0.0792079 |
FNFE12JR | Participated in formal or non-formal education for job-related reasons in 12 months preceding the survey (derived) | 1.744144 | 0.0792079 |
B_Q17 | Activities - Last year - Time spend - Unit | 2.801032 | 0.0891089 |
G_Q06 | Skill use work - ICT - Computer - Level of computer use | 4.067908 | 0.1089109 |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | 4.522780 | 0.1089109 |
B_Q16 | Activities - Last year - Grant from employer | 4.424977 | 0.1584158 |
NFEHRSNJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for non-job-related reasons (derived) | 5.588817 | 0.1584158 |
PLANNING | Index of use of planning skills at work (derived) | 3.179292 | 0.2178218 |
YRSGET | Imputed years of formal education needed to get the job (self-reported - derived) | 3.865380 | 0.3267327 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 3.549376 | 0.3564356 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 2.697814 | 0.3663366 |
B_Q13 | Activities - Last year - Activity specified | 1.810237 | 0.4059406 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 3.448778 | 0.4158416 |
EARNHRBONUSDCL | Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 3.263442 | 0.4554455 |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | 3.260719 | 0.4950495 |
LEARNATWORK | Index of learning at work (derived) | 2.990704 | 0.5049505 |
NFEHRSJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for job-related reasons (derived) | 2.709997 | 0.5148515 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 4.420293 | 0.5544554 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 1.327060 | 0.7227723 |
ISCO1C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 2.318859 | 0.7326733 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 3.215353 | 0.7722772 |
D_Q10_T | Hours per week at this job or business - number of hours (top coded at 97, Trend-IALS/ALL) | 2.600368 | 0.9108911 |
D_Q10_C | Current work - Hours/week (top-coded at 60) | 1.640815 | 0.9207921 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.2770673 | 0.0099010 |
G_Q07 | Skill use work - ICT - Computer - Got the skills needed | 0.1497847 | 0.0198020 |
ICTHOME_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0935616 | 0.0198020 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 0.1938268 | 0.0198020 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.2759343 | 0.0297030 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.2060004 | 0.1188119 |
READYTOLEARN | Index of readiness to learn (derived) | 0.0308734 | 0.3861386 |
:#+begin_src sh :async out_dir="locate_email/” cd $out_dir cd figure convert -density 300 tau_action.pdf tau_action.png convert -density 300 theta_tau_res.pdf theta_tau_res.png convert -density 300 time_action_more.pdf time_action_more-%d.png convert -density 300 time_action.pdf time_action-%d.png #+end_src
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 9.885435 | 0.0495050 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 7.626948 | 0.1683168 |
EARNHRBONUSDCL | Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 4.612719 | 0.1683168 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 2.667057 | 0.4356436 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 3.068539 | 0.6039604 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 2.090278 | 0.6039604 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.0244116 | 0.0198020 |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | 0.0472448 | 0.0198020 |
ICTWORK_WLE_CA | Index of use of ICT skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0214467 | 0.0495050 |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.0339415 | 0.0693069 |
EDCAT6 | Highest level of formal education obtained (6 categories - derived) | 0.0216979 | 0.0891089 |
D_Q04_T | Status at this job or business - six levels (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.0158932 | 0.1386139 |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | 0.0242799 | 0.1386139 |
NFEHRSJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for job-related reasons (derived) | 0.0150190 | 0.2574257 |
NUMWORK | Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced - derived) | 0.0212383 | 0.2772277 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 0.0186273 | 0.3168317 |
ISCO2C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0178071 | 0.3564356 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 0.0212973 | 0.3960396 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.0083536 | 0.5841584 |
INFLUENCE_WLE_CA | Index of use of influencing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0063890 | 0.5940594 |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | 0.0169418 | 0.6336634 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.0002208 | 0.7128713 |
READYTOLEARN | Index of readiness to learn (derived) | -0.0016250 | 0.7623762 |
tau and theta
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 2984.923 3051.238 3006.580 2976.923 2992.923
6 2 2843.422 2992.713 2891.068 2822.424 2857.422
6 3 2834.686 3066.037 2908.321 2801.606 2854.686
6 4 2837.236 3150.652 2936.861 2792.070 2863.236
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 2 classes.
tau and theta + naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 5305.384 5494.666 5366.025 5279.384 5322.384
6 2 4687.024 5081.824 4812.637 4630.451 4719.024
6 3 4486.831 5086.505 4677.417 4400.329 4533.831
6 4 4382.983 5187.603 4638.541 4266.480 4444.983
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
naction, spd
Compare tidyLPA solutions:
6 1 3081.781 3148.096 3103.438 3073.781 3089.781
6 2 2727.342 2876.222 2774.988 2706.754 2741.342
6 3 2656.305 2887.444 2729.940 2623.437 2676.305
6 4 2632.494 2945.687 2732.119 2587.550 2658.494
Best model according to AIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to AWE is Model 6 with 2 classes.
Best model according to BIC is Model 6 with 3 classes.
Best model according to CLC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
Best model according to KIC is Model 6 with 4 classes.
An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC, and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 6 with 4 classes.
τ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
FAET12NJR | Participated in formal AET for non job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 1.0300584 | 0.4851485 |
AETPOP | Adult education/training population (AET) - excludes youths 16-24 in initial cycle of studies (derived) | 0.1879347 | 0.6633663 |
EDWORK | Interaction between adults’ work and education status (derived) | 1.4991299 | 0.7524752 |
FAET12JR | Participated in formal AET for job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived) | 0.3786924 | 0.9009901 |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | 0.6285724 | 0.9405941 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | -0.8047911 | 0.9603960 |
θ‘s covaritates:
Name | Label | imp | pval |
J_Q08 | Background - Number of books at home | 0.0135860 | 0.0198020 |
C_Q09_C | Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47) | 0.0309081 | 0.0495050 |
B_Q11 | Education - Formal qualification - Grant from employer | 0.0081927 | 0.0891089 |
EARNMTHALLDCL | Monthly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners and self-employed, in deciles (derived) | 0.0272210 | 0.0990099 |
ISCOSKIL4 | Occupational classification of respondent’s job (4 skill based categories), last or current (derived) | 0.0092023 | 0.1287129 |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | 0.0316348 | 0.1386139 |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | 0.0180541 | 0.1485149 |
PLANNING | Index of use of planning skills at work (derived) | 0.0172973 | 0.1683168 |
G_Q07 | Skill use work - ICT - Computer - Got the skills needed | 0.0063477 | 0.2475248 |
PLANNING_WLE_CA | Index of use of planning skills at work, categorised WLE (derived) | 0.0135498 | 0.2475248 |
D_Q04_T1 | Status at this job or business - four levels (Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.0102142 | 0.2871287 |
B_Q16 | Activities - Last year - Grant from employer | 0.0101070 | 0.2970297 |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | 0.0168268 | 0.3267327 |
ISCO1C | Occupational classification of respondent’s job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived) | 0.0116369 | 0.3564356 |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | 0.0133331 | 0.3564356 |
NFEHRSNJR | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for non-job-related reasons (derived) | 0.0106176 | 0.3762376 |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | 0.0165097 | 0.3861386 |
READYTOLEARN | Index of readiness to learn (derived) | 0.0042571 | 0.4950495 |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | 0.0033957 | 0.4950495 |
D_Q10 | Current work - Hours/week | 0.0133820 | 0.6039604 |
D_Q10_T | Hours per week at this job or business - number of hours (top coded at 97, Trend-IALS/ALL) | 0.0105554 | 0.8019802 |
Wilcoxon p-values for gender difference in τ and θ
output | τ | θ |
party_invitations-1/ * | 0.1755171 | 0.3172373 |
party_invitations-2/ | 0.4404884 | 0.6082382 |
cd_tally/ | 0.07097494 | 0.09468705 |
sprained_ankle-1/ | 0.01260001 | 0.6150152 |
tickets/ * | 0.08539706 | 0.730782 |
club_membership-1/ | 0.3772467 | 0.1507705 |
book_order/ * | 0.9709181 | 0.3778057 |
meeting_room/ | 0.4096292 | 0.04091108 |
locate_email/ | 0.991704 | 0.7721417 |
lamp_return/ | 0.03020509 | 0.86869 |
is used to denote items justified by LPA.
ftime = timestamp[1] / 1000, naction = n(), time = timestamp[n()] / 1000, spd = naction / (ftime - time)
Name | Label | Value scheme |
AGEG5LFS | Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived) | Derived - Age groups in equal 5 year intervals (1-10) |
NFEHRS | Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived) | NA |
EARNHRDCL | Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived) | Derived - Decile |
LEARNATWORK | Index of learning at work (derived) | NA |
ICTHOME | Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived) | NA |
ICTWORK | Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived) | NA |
INFLUENCE | Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived) | NA |
NUMHOME | Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived) | NA |
NUMWORK | Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced - derived) | NA |
READHOME | Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived) | NA |
READWORK | Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived) | NA |
TASKDISC | Index of use of task discretion at work (derived) | NA |
WRITHOME | Index of use of writing skills at home (derived) | NA |
WRITWORK | Index of use of writing skills at work (derived) | NA |
Response: the larger, the better
tau | theta | naction | spd | res | n |
2.06 (1.10) | -1.49 (0.96) | 0.08 (3.72) | -4.43 (11.77) | 0.43 (1.13) | 7.00 (0.00) |
0.02 (0.65) | 0.63 (0.43) | -0.21 (0.38) | 0.03 (0.00) | 2.77 (0.56) | 443.00 (0.00) |
-0.65 (0.57) | -0.58 (1.11) | -0.28 (0.70) | 0.03 (0.00) | 1.18 (1.32) | 309.00 (0.00) |
0.83 (1.33) | -0.43 (0.89) | 0.84 (1.51) | 0.03 (0.00) | 1.90 (1.24) | 211.00 (0.00) |
naction | spd | CPROB1 | CPROB2 | res | n |
1.82 (4.16) | -3.09 (9.85) | 0.98 (0.05) | 0.02 (0.05) | 0.70 (1.25) | 10.00 (0.00) |
-0.02 (0.90) | 0.03 (0.00) | 0.00 (0.01) | 1.00 (0.01) | 2.07 (1.23) | 960.00 (0.00) |
Response: the smaller, the better
tau | theta | naction | spd | res |
-0.4123013 | 0.1939430 | 0.0105633 | 0.2949513 | 3.710588 |
0.9344900 | -0.6655596 | 0.3971435 | 0.1263112 | 5.219081 |
1.1296467 | -1.7866636 | -1.9230219 | -1.9932064 | 7.000000 |
-0.9718218 | 1.3403763 | 0.1527688 | -0.0648598 | 3.145251 |
tau | theta | naction | spd | res |
0.4111353 | 0.384638 | 0.6375695 | 0.2628682 | 2.989527 |
0.9065238 | 0.553052 | 1.2095532 | 0.3520752 | 2.745995 |
0.9047816 | 1.085768 | 0.1671354 | 2.6734464 | 0.000000 |
0.2688267 | 0.354953 | 0.5181867 | 0.3940398 | 2.883724 |
tau | theta | naction | spd | res |
425 | 425 | 425 | 425 | 425 |
283 | 283 | 283 | 283 | 283 |
75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 |
179 | 179 | 179 | 179 | 179 |
Response: the larger, the better
tau | theta | naction | spd | res | n |
-0.18 (0.88) | 0.37 (0.49) | 0.21 (0.68) | 0.11 (0.42) | 2.27 (2.45) | 450.00 (0.00) |
0.83 (1.06) | -1.67 (0.83) | -1.34 (0.12) | -0.25 (0.80) | 6.32 (1.92) | 88.00 (0.00) |
0.31 (1.32) | -0.79 (1.73) | 0.95 (2.48) | -0.96 (3.97) | 4.23 (3.05) | 26.00 (0.00) |
naction | spd | CPROB1 | CPROB2 | res | n |
-0.04 (0.83) | 0.08 (0.45) | 0.99 (0.03) | 0.01 (0.03) | 2.91 (2.80) | 535.00 (0.00) |
0.73 (2.54) | -1.45 (3.73) | 0.11 (0.16) | 0.89 (0.16) | 4.52 (3.01) | 29.00 (0.00) |